
Spreadsheets for Historians

Historians’ Spreadsheet Many scholars, even historians, use spreadsheets for tasks such as grading or accounting. Some might use programs such as Microsoft’s Excel Spreadsheets, while others use Google Spreadsheets or even Open Office. Regardless of which program we use, spreadsheets are powerful tools that allow us to collect and query […]

That Doesn’t Count 2

Today, on the final day of Rebuilding the Portfolio: Digital Humanities for Art Historians, we are discussing scholarly communication. I think it’s the most important topic we’ve covered. One of our guest instructors is Joan Fragaszy Troyano, who opened the day with a discussion of communication in art history. When […]

Making Risky Moves 1

On the second night of DHSI 2014, as I sat with a colleague discussing my intended dissertation topic, I said something outrageous: “I want to produce a dissertation that cannot be printed out to produce a coherent and linear document.” For some time, I’ve entertained the idea that my final […]

Reading Series: Part 5, History in the Digital Age 2

The year is 1959, and as a graduate student in history, I’m currently studying the approaches that are emerging from the Annales School in France. My doctoral supervisor is familiar with the topic and uses similar approaches in her own work. As we discuss the themes and recent publications, she […]

Reading Series: Part 3, Changing Narratives/Values in History 2

Upon completing my latest readings about the changing theories of history, I began to imagine how I could create a visualization in the place of my usual response article. I was inspired by David Staley’s argument that historians should open their scholarship to the possibilities afforded by visual representation. Staley […]