WWII Army Post Office Locations Project

Today is Veterans Day in the US and Remembrance Day in Canada, a fitting day to launch my latest project, WWII Army Post Office (APO) Locations. If you have letters from WWII with APO numbers in the address, whether to or from a member of the US Army, you can […]

A white church seen distant across a field, backed by a forest

Working with Historic Rural Churches of Georgia

On September 17th, 2019, I had the opportunity to tag along with two of the founders of Historic Rural Churches of Georgia as they headed to visit a church down in Pike County. The day would turn into an adventure unlike any I’ve had before. In 2012, after an unexpected […]

Pitts Theology Library Job Talk

In the tradition of posting job talks for digital scholarship positions, here is the Google Slide version of the talk I gave for Pitts Theology Library and Candler School of Theology at Emory University in 2018.

Serendipity: What are Double-Foot Throttles?

When exploring an archive to answer one question, you sometimes come across information that raises new questions. In some cases, those questions are bizarre. I was searching the Georgia State University Digital Collections for images of the Ivy Street Garage in downtown Atlanta. Built in 1925, the garage was later […]

Larger-scale Photogrammetry

During the spring semester, I acquired a clay whisky jug from the Phoenix Lab, which contains artifacts recovered from the excavation of MARTA lines in the 1970s. Dr. Robin Wharton has worked with students in her multimodel composition course to scan and model objects from the collection, and discussed the […]

whisky jug stamped with two names

University of San Diego view of San Diego

DH, Design, and Libraries

Somehow, in the past three weeks, I managed to attend four different conferences. Thankfully, three of them were located here in Atlanta, which reduced travel time and kept costs low. Each conference or symposium had a unique flavor and set of themes, so this post will describe each and I’ll […]

Georgia State Digital Scholarship Job Talk

Intro In November 2016, I started as the Digital Scholarship Librarian at Georgia State University Library. During my interview for the position, I presented a job talk related to the topic of opportunities and challenges involved in digital scholarship. In preparation for my talk, I consulted the job talks posted […]

Job Talk Title Slide

Owl Figurine

Georgia State University Library Photogrammetry 1

Photogrammetry, for the purpose of our work at Georgia State, refers to the use of software to combine, convert, and render 2D images into a 3D object. There are numerous methods for this practice, ranging from a single camera operated by a moving human to complex arrangements with multiple cameras […]

Learning from the Past on Presidents Day

On March 4th, 1809, James Madison, the fourth President of the United States, delivered his first inaugural address to the House Chamber in the U.S. Capitol Building. In our present time of turmoil, and considering the tone and content of information from the current executive branch, it’s worth spending a […]

Portrait of James Madison

Virtual reality conference, Atlanta, January 12, 2017

VRDayATL Conference

On January 12th, GSU’s Creative Media Industries Institute and virtual reality company Nektr co-hosted the first annual VRDayATL conference at the Rialto. Sponsors for the event included Microsoft, CNN, Turner Studios, and many more. Participants included creators and innovators in virtual reality as well as people interested in commercial and […]