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Dear Geraldine



Central Pier, Blackpool



This photograph is one of two that Johnny took while on furlough at Blackpool on the coast of the Irish Sea. In the foreground are beach-goers in typical mid-century leisure clothing (although no bathing suits are visible). The Central Pier in the background displays large advertisements for bands performing at the dance hall in 1944.

On the back, Johnny wrote, "Can't locate this for you. Censorship."


Promenade, Blackpool

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Victorian Era Blackpool

Taken in 1944, this photograph shows a number of storefronts along the Promenade in Blackpool. Most notable is Louis Tussaud's Waxwork Museum, which is still open today. This section of Blackpool has been a tourist attraction since the Victorian Era, with different types of shops and entertainment venue changing over the years.

The Bee Amusement Arcade standing to the left of Tussaud's appears in images of Blackpool from the Victorian period, but was later demolished to make room for modern construction. The buildings along the street, many of which are Victorian in style, are all covered in advertisements for food and entertainment.