February 4, 1945

Dublin Core


February 4, 1945


John C. Waller



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February 4, 1945

Sunday Eve 8 P.M.

Dearest Sweetheart,

I'm going to start this to-night as I said I would but don't expect to finish it as I'm more or less 'pooped.'

We started out on this run yesterday afternoon and got rid of our load this morning however, we took on another load this afternoon to carry back to the place we started from. We're in the process of doing that now, which explains my erratic writing. I'm happy to say my work for this run is all done now so I'll be hitting the sack anytime now. You see I've only had about two hours sleep since seven o'clock Saturday morning. That's quite a long grind, believe me.

Saturday morning before the run I took some pictures on a roll of film I had. If we aren't too busy this week I should be able to develop it and print some snaps which I'll send along.

By the way, we heard over the radio that a U.S. mail boat had been sunk so perhaps that explains why I haven't heard from you. The last letter I received to date was written by you on Dec. 23rd. Well honey, I'm too tired to write more so I'll say good-nite until to-morrow.

Back again little one, just about twenty four hours later. We worked all day here in our stall to-day. This morning we worked on the train and this afternoon had to get out picks and shovels to dig up the sewer alongside the train. We've had as much rain lately that the water was just hanging around too much for the sewer to cope with. There are also about half a dozen springs running down from the hills and they drain off through our sewer too. It was a beautiful sunny day so we all enjoyed our work. You don't need jackets or hats now. Some of the fellows were out in their undershirts. I don't expect it to stay this warm but I think we've had about all the winter weather we will have. No doubt the rainy season will start again soon.

The war seems to be going very favorably on all fronts at present. Maybe it will be over in this theatre by the time you receive this epistle. It can't end too soon to suit us. Still I believe the army has done some of us a lot of good in that we'll be more appreciative of home comforts. No guy that's been on K. P. will dare to sit around and watch his wife do dishes. It teaches you co-operation too, and after all, isn't that what successful marriages are based on - fifty, fifty - at least, that's the way I see it. Don't you agree?

We're listening to Duffy's Tavern. He's a nut and no mistake. The people over here don't have the same sense of humor as we Yanks, you know. Half the time you have to explain a joke to them before they catch on. There's a lot of interference on the radio to-nite. The huns do that all the time on our stations. The clearest stations are German and they shoot more baloney over them than you could shake a stick at.

Well honey, there isn't much more I can say to-nite. Perhaps I'll have more to say when my mail catches up with me.

A fellow on Duffy's program is now singing 'It Could Happen To You.' It has happened to me and as in the song, I'm wondering how your arms will be. It's been a long time honey and the end isn't yet in sight although much closer. I'll leave you with this thought - an hour never passes that I don't think of you and miss you. Take care of yourself little one and miss me a little too

All my love,







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